How To Apply Pareto Principles To increases Your Productivity,
Jul 27, 2022
How To Apply Pareto Principles To increases Your Productivity,
Everyone love to be more productive. This is because it
increases income and standard of living. In the 20th Century, there was a
research that will open your eyes to how you can be more productive. The
outcome of this research was published before you were born.
In 1906, Italian Economist Vilfredo Pareto noted that 80% of
Italy's land was owned by 20% of the people. He developed an interest in this
ratio, seeing it in everything. For example, he observed that 80% of the peas
in his garden came from 20% of his pea plants.
The 80:20 ratio of cause-to-effect became known as the Pareto
Pareto principle is a forecast that 80% of effects come from 20%
of causes or actions.
Therefore to apply this to productivity we need to focus on the
20% of causes of actions that gives us 80% effect or result. Lots of people
spend lots of time on activities that do not impact their productivity. You can
see that though researched many decades ago is still relevant today.
We can expand the application of these principles to common
business examples that can assist you to understand the Pareto principle which
1. 80% of the value is achieved with the first 20% of the effort
Project teams commonly report that a task is almost completed
after a short time. A long time may pass after that before they report any
further progress.
2. 80% of project politics come from 20% of your stakeholders
Political struggles often originate with a few of your
Program Management
1. 80% of problems originate from 20% of projects
Some projects are far more problematic than others.
1. 80% of work is completed by 20% of your team
The observation is that there is often a wide performance gap
between your top performers and the rest of your team.
1. 80% of software problems are caused by 20% of bugs
The observation is that most problems are caused by a handful of
serious bugs.
2. 80% of customers only use 20% of software features
Most users don't use power features. In many cases, they find
power features to be annoying (e.g. complex interfaces).
Sales & Marketing
1. 80% of sales come from 20% of your clients
Many businesses are dependent on their largest accounts.
2. 80% of sales come from 20% of your products
Product diversification may have a limited impact on your
3. 80% of sales come from 20% of your salespeople
Killer salespeople aren't easy to find.
4. 80% of your complaints come from 20% of your customers
This is commonly cited as a customer service rule of thumb.
Wealth Management
1. 80% of wealth is owned by 20% of people
Pareto's 1906 observation that 80% of Italy's wealth (land) was
controlled by 20% of people has held up extremely well. Today, 20% of the
world's population controls 82.7% of the wealth.
1. 80 Percent of success is showing up
-Woody Allen
2. The idea that much of success is jumping through hoops. It
has a grain of truth to it. If you consider that "showing up" is 20%
of the effort — it's an example of the Pareto principle.
The application of these principles means that you have to look
inwards. In your personal life, you have to look at 20% of your activities that
gives you 80% of your result. Extend it a little further you will find out that
20% of your time gives you 80% of your output or income.
You also need to identify, look after or take good care of 20%
of your staff that may be generating 80% of your income.
It also means that you have to give special attention to 20% of
your customers or clients that are giving you 80% of your sales.
Furthermore, you need to focus on the 20% minimal time that
gives you the greatest output or result. Once again Focus!. Focus !!Focus!!! on
that 20% and see how you can be more productive today.
Prosperity Through Productivity is not a theory. It is something
you can apply in your daily life. It is something that once you apply it, you
will be on the move to "Prosperity through Productivity" you will see
the impact on your income.
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