Provides a foundation and overview of both
emergency management and disaster strategies practices, policies, and
technology, including the function and coordination of local, state, and
federal agencies and organizations and systems used in planning for and
responding to emergencies. Hazard awareness and analysis, disaster
preparedness and mitigation strategies, and creation of an emergency
response plan, including awareness and outreach.
Course Learning Goals
Delegates will be able to:
Identify and describe the concept of emergency management
Identify and describe the phases of emergency management
Identify and describe the concept of inter-agency cooperation and operability
Identify and describe the local emergency management system
identify and describe the local emergency management system
Identify and describe the Federal Response Plans and disaster declaration process.
Course outlines
Introduction to the Federal Emergency Management Agency
Effectiveness of Emergency Management
Local Level Emergency Management System and Interagency Cooperation
Federal Response Plans
Phases of Emergency Management
Disaster Declaration Process
Effectiveness of the Whole Community Initiative
Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA)
Emergency Management Case Studies
Who should attend
Directors, heads of dept., disaster
managers, head emergency unit and other top to middle level staff in
both the public and private sector.
Our portfolio of more than 200 training courses are currently designed to address the current training needs of our clients incorporating latest trends and internationally accepted best practices, in each distinct subject area.