First impressions are often made within
seven seconds of a meeting and are difficult, if not impossible, to
change. Among other things, this course helps you leave a great first
impression. It also addresses how to deal with others in a business
setting considering differences in culture and region. Since business is
often conducted over lunch or dinner, dining skills can also impact
someone opinion of you as a potential business partner.
During the days of this course you will
also get tips on how to apply proper manners and business etiquette in
many different settings. In addition, many diplomatic incidents occur
due to the personnel's lack of understanding of various protocol
standards. Therefore, a portion of the course is dedicated to
introducing the international rules of protocol that need to be
implemented during formal occasions and visits.
Course objectives
By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
Explain how to behave correctly in both business and social situations
Describe how to interact and communicate effectively with different types of guests
Demonstrate appropriate personal and professional conduct
Plan VIP visits and formal occasions while executing the role of the ideal host
Apply proper communication etiquette
Implement different variations in protocol and etiquette from different cultures, nations and regions
Course outlines
Principles of business etiquette and protocol
Definitions and concepts
Guiding principle
Importance of etiquette in business
Importance of protocol in business
The importance of manners
Creating the right corporate image
Six basic principles
Personal and professional conduct
Universal expectations for behaviour
Etiquette for formal occasions
Handling difficult personalities
Four choices for dealing with various behaviours
International business etiquette
Customs and cultures
Best practices
Planning and hosting VIP occasions
Preparation for official visits
Protocol at events and summits
Key qualities of the ideal host
Seating strategies
Risk and contingency planning
Mistakes to avoid
Meeting at airports
Proper communication etiquette
Phone etiquette
Meeting etiquette
Email etiquette
Titles and forms of address
Exchanging gifts
Variations in protocol and etiquette
Secretarial protocol
Flags, anthems and logos
Awkward situations and solutions
Panoramic view of variations
Who should attend
Personnel officers, public relations
professionals, event organizers, personal assistants, employees in the
hospitality business and all those whose position requires dealing and
interacting with important persons in both government and private
The course is designed to be interactive
and participatory and includes various learning tools to enable the
participants to operate effectively and efficiently in a multifunctional
environment. The course is built on four learning pillars: concept
learning (lectures and presentations), role playing (group exercises),
experience sharing (roundtable discussions) and exposure to real world
problems and policy choices confronting delegates.
Our portfolio of more than 200 training courses are currently designed to address the current training needs of our clients incorporating latest trends and internationally accepted best practices, in each distinct subject area.