Infrastructure is moving up the global policy agenda. Efficient and
effective infrastructure is critical to economic competitiveness and
growth, and governments faced with the task of plugging infrastructure
gaps and maintaining or modernizing nationally critical infrastructure,
must turn to private sector investors to help meet the costs.
Private capital is available to support projects; however
political and regulatory risks are affecting investors confidence
across developing and industrialized economies. As a result, despite the
potential for infrastructure investments to generate long-term returns,
actual levels of investment remain relatively low.
This conference will bring together policy, investment and
infrastructure project professionals to focus on the challenge of
depoliticising infrastructure decision-making processes and reducing
risks to help unlock investment. Expert speakers and thought leaders
will assess policy challenges for investors, the regulatory and
risk-sharing landscape, and what can be done to move infrastructure from
a series of ambitious visions to economic reality.
Stream 1: Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs)
In this stream, the event will focus on how to establish viable
PPP mechanisms, attract more funds by a mix of private and public sector
funding, formulate a comprehensive legal framework for the
administration of PPPs and learn how to cater to the various challenges
faced when adopting this financing model. The event will also be
highlighting on what is being done to establish an attractive and
enabling environment for PPPs to encourage private sector involvement
and develop market-credible projects to accelerate infrastructure
Stream 2:Alternative Financing
In this stream the event will feature other mechanisms of project
financing to fill the crucial gap in financing for mega infrastructure
developments and the need to find innovative ways to ˜unlock the
funding process in Africa. Alternative funding from Bonds, Private
equity investment funds, Venture capital funds, pension funds, mezzanine
financing and most importantly Development Finance Institutions DFI (African Development Bank- AFDB, Development Bank of South Africa DBSA,
IDB Capital, Tanzania Investment bank, Uganda development bank etc.) is
becoming increasingly important in Africa.
Session One | The Politics of Infrastructure
This opening session will focus on infrastructure policy
decisions and the challenge of reducing political risk and channelling
investment into nationally critical infrastructure projects.
Can the politics be entirely removed from decisions about
infrastructure projects? Where is the balance between a technocratic and
a democratic approach to infrastructure decisions?
What is the best way to manage responsibilities for
infrastructure policy between local, regional, national and
supra-national layers of decision making?
What policy frameworks are needed to ensure projects with long-term economic and social value can access sufficient resources?
How should infrastructure be funded and how can costs be
shared? To what extent are national infrastructure projects public
goods, requiring government guarantees? What are the optimum roles of
the public and private sector?
Session Two | Infrastructure, Investment and Growth
This session will assess how, in a high interest rate climate
and with highly liquid capital markets, investment into infrastructure
projects can be increased in order to stimulate economic growth.
How can Africa increase the proportion of economic output
spent on infrastructure in order to plug the projected investment
shortfalls across key sectors?
How will the EU Investment Plan achieve its infrastructure investment goals and where will the money come from?
What can policy-makers learn from each other about managing policy risks in infrastructure projects?
How can quasi-public-sector financial institutions work
together, given their differentiated roles, and complement available
private sector funding for infrastructure?
What are the main current G20 trends on investment strategies?
How can we promote infrastructure investment financing by institutional
investors on an international level?
As new financial institutions such as the Asian Infrastructure
Investment Bank and the New Development Bank become established, what
role will they play in global infrastructure funding?
Session Three | Finance and Funding Models:
What is new in infrastructure finance? What innovative funding
models are being developed and to what extent can they be replicated
across policy jurisdictions?
As investors search for yield and long-term returns, will good projects always find their way to being financed?
What is the most effective way to combine public and private
investment to maximize the social value of infrastructure as well as
returns for private investors?
How is the use of public-private partnerships (PPP) evolving?
In PPP arrangements, how can the risks faced by private-sector parties
when dealing with public agencies be better managed?
Given the complexity of infrastructure projects, how can the
European Capital Markets Union proposals incentivize both institutional
and retail investors to invest in infrastructure projects?
Session Four | Meeting the Demand for Projects
This session will focus on the mismatch between the capital
available for investment and the relative dearth of bankable projects
and how to evaluate projects to target sources of capital.
Where are the shovel ready projects and how can the gap
between available capital and well designed and well-structured deals be
What is needed to create a bankable pipeline of projects across different sectors?
How can initiatives tackle the infrastructure project and
increase the pipeline of viable deals? Will the establishment of the
Global Infrastructure Hub reduce barriers to investment and in its aim
to match investors to projects?
How can mechanisms for project selection be improved? How can
the right choice of projects be encouraged, in order to reduce
inefficiencies in the allocation of resources?
Session Five | Panel Discussion: Taking a Strategic Approach to Infrastructure
This discussion will explore ways to develop policy and
regulatory frameworks that can help reduce uncertainties for investors
and match capital to nationally important infrastructure projects.
How can governments demonstrate and communicate a clear and credible vision for national infrastructure?
To reduce fragmentation and responsibility for the provision
of different infrastructure across different bodies, should
infrastructure decision making become more centralised?
Is it possible to develop consistent, predictable regulatory frameworks that transcend changes in government?
Are high levels of idiosyncratic risk an inevitable characteristic of infrastructure projects?
Who Should Attend
Chairmen, Presidents, CEOs, MDs, VPs, Directors, GMs and Heads of:
Railway Development Companies
Road and Highway Development Companies
Construction Engineering and Management
Transportation Engineering and Planning
Maintenance and Rehabilitation
Infrastructure & Construction Companies
Project Management
Building Material Suppliers
Industry Investors and Financiers
Civil and Transport Engineering firms
Rail Operators, Suppliers, Manufacturers
Facilities Maintenance Department
Business Development
Financial & Legal Advisors
Institutional investors
Local Government, Government Departments, Agencies & Authorities:
Ministry of Transportation
Ministry of Public Works
Ministry of Road Transport
Ministry of Railways
Ministry of Finance
PPP Units
National Development Agencies Planning and Development Departments
Civil and Transportation Departments
Business Development Department
Economic Planning Units
Projects Department
Special Projects Unit
Federal, State and Local Councilors
Regional Development Agencies
Policy and Project Directors and Officers
Consultants, Project Managers and Contractors involved in:
This Conference is non-residential. Participants are to lodge in hotels
of their choice near the conference centre. A list of these Hotels will
be provided on request.
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