Continuous Improvement in Strategy Implementation – Excelling in Execution.
Course Overview
improvement (CI) has been a highly attractive endeavour for decades, yet many
organizations continue to face challenges in turning CI aspirations into
realities. The course will discuss how to build a sustainable continuous
improvement system where improvement becomes part of the organizational
and building a sustainable continuous improvement system entails more than
executing numerous process improvement projects. Driving sustainable results
over time and throughout the organization requires a continuous improvement
culture, “the way we do work”.
Even a
thoroughly developed business strategy may fail if you don't pay enough
attention to its implementation. This rings particularly true with strategies
based on innovation or implemented in complex or fast-changing environments.
In the
20th century successful implementation, leveraged stability and typically
proceeded through hierarchy and control. Today the key is to stay vibrant and
able to quickly respond to trends in competition and technology while not
losing sight of the strategic objective. In this course, we'll build a toolbox
of techniques to execute today's business strategies to help them succeed.
After completing this course,
you'll be able to:
- Create objectives and goals
to guide strategy implementation
- Identify organizational
structures that fit particular strategies
- Understand how to leverage
company culture in the implementation
- Describe how to communicate
the strategy so that the organization gets it
Our portfolio of more than 200 training courses are currently designed to address the current training needs of our clients incorporating latest trends and internationally accepted best practices, in each distinct subject area.